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發表於 2023-9-15 18:46:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式












On December 24, the Economic Coordination Co妹妹ittee (ECC) of the Pakistan Federal Cabinet endorsed Rs.739 billion Karachi Transformation Plan (KTP) and allowed revision in the Master Plan for five terminals at Port Qasim.

According to reports from Pakistani media, now there are many problems in Pakistan's big cities, in particular, the existence and development problems of Karachi, the largest city of Pakistan, is very prominent. Therefore, the Imran Khan administration is co妹妹itted to solving the serious problems accumulated in Karachi for many years. As far as I understand, the efforts made by the Pakistani government to transform Karachi are actually “urban renewal”.

Currently, the concept of “urban renewal” has been frequently mentioned. China's 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development has clearly put forward that “only through the implementation of urban renewal, promotion of urban ecological restoration and functional improvement, overall planning, construction and management of cities, and rational determination of urban scale, population density and spatial structure, can the coordinated development of large, medium and small cities and towns be achieved.”

What is “urban renewal”? In short, it is to make a long-term and continuous improvement and enhancement of the areas in the cities that are no longe山楂減肥法,r suitable for modern urban social life. The goal of urban renewal is to replace the decaying functional space with new urban functional space and make it develop and prosper again.

“Urban renewal” includes two aspects: one is the transformation of buildings and other hardware; the other is the transformation of various ecological environment, space environment, cultural environment, visual environment and recreation environment. Finally, the goal o生髮推薦,f restoring the vitality of the old cities and making them more vigorous and competitive is achieved.

Why do we need urban renewal? For example, some diseases may occur when a person grows from infant to youth and adult, and then gradually ages. The same is true of cities. With the expansion of urban scale and space, the agglomeration of population and function, the “big city disease”, is gradually emerging, such as dense population, traffic congestion, environmental deterioration, prominent social problems, and the decline of quality of life.

From the process of urban renewal around the world in recent years, urban renewal has begun to show a new trend of diversification, which is mainly reflected in three aspects.

First, the leading role of urban renewal is diversified. Such a role is performed by the government, the market and the cooperation between the government and enterprises. The government-led urban renewal has a strong welfare color. Most of the funds come from the government, which provides subsidies and has decisive power for the renewal of areas and processes. The market-oriented urban renewal and the government-enterprise cooperation pay more attention to enhancing the co妹妹ercial val去濕氣食物,ue, optimizing the reorganization and utilization of resources, infusing with the new element of the era, and rebuilding the regional prosperity.

Second, the connotation of urban renewal is diversified. There is not only the renewal of architectural uses, for instance, factory renewal for parks, office building renewal for apartments, shopping mall renewal for hotel, etc., but also the functional improvement on the basis of the original use of the buildings unchanged.

Third, the extension of urban renewal is diversified. There is not only the renewal of single buildings but also the renewal of co妹妹unity areas. The renewal of single buildings mainly includes office building or apartment renewal, while the renewal of co妹妹unities and districts mainly includes the reconstruction of historical blocks and the establishment of cultural and creative parks.

I sincerely wish the above-mentioned information could serve as a reference for our Pakistan friends in the process of the urban renewal of Karachi. I also sincerely wish that positive progress in the progressive renewal of Pakistan's cities, including Karachi, would be made so that these cities would be rejuvenated through renewal.


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